Marcus Schaub Awards for Young Investigators

Congratulations to winners of the Marcus Schaub Young Investigators Awards!

Awardees for poster presentations:

  • Miguel A. López-Unzu (FEBS Open Bio poster award)
  • Osman Esen (Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility poster award)
  • Christine Delligatti (International Journal of Molecular Sciences poster award)
  • Carlos Acosta (Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility poster award)

Awardees for oral presentations:

  • Roberto Silva-Rojas (International Journal of Molecular Sciences award)
  • Sıla Algül (Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility award)
  • Emrulla Spahiu (International Journal of Molecular Sciences award)
  • Irene Pertici (Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility award)
  • Giulia Arecchi (Award from EMC 2024)

Welcome Address / Invitation

Dear friends and colleagues, dear muscle aficionados,

We are pleased to announce that the 51st European Muscle Conference will take place at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

EMC 2024 will open on 22 September with the Jean Hanson Lecture by Professor Juleen R. Zierath and a keynote lecture by Professor Guido Kroemer, followed by a keynote lecture by Professor Bente Klarlund Pedersen on 23 September. The conference will end on 26 September with a closing lecture by Professor Igor Mekjavić and the Marcus Schaub Young Investigators Awards ceremony.

The scientific programme will have a special focus on muscle energy metabolism, while also covering a broad spectrum of muscle topics ranging from molecular structure to whole body physiology and pathophysiology. In this way, in keeping with the EMC tradition, we hope to create an environment that encourages both the meeting of experts in a variety of specialist topics and interdisciplinary dialogue.

We would also like to announce two satellite events open to all EMC 2024 attendees. The first satellite event, the Young Investigators Forum, organised by the ESMR-Early Careers Association, will provide a unique opportunity for PhD students and early stage postdocs to present and discuss their work. The Young Investigators Forum will take place on 22 September in the morning before the official opening of the conference. The second satellite event Skeletal Muscle Research – from Cell to Human will feature selected lectures and hands-on demonstrations focusing on in vitroex vivo, and in vivo methods to assess skeletal muscle metabolism and composition. The symposium and workshop will take place on the afternoon of 26 September, after the conclusion of EMC 2024.

— Sergej Pirkmajer, Katarina Miš, Tomaž Marš

Important dates

Deadline Applies to…
17 June, 2024 Abstract submission deadline (extended)
on and before 30 June, 2024 Regular registration with discount
30 June, 2024 Late abstract submission (only for posters)
by end of June, 2024 Notification about the abstracts
from 1 July to 21 September, 2024 Regular registration
First week of August 2024 Notification about the type of presentation
14 July, 2024 Deadline for hotel booking
22 – 26 September 2024 On-site registration and conference


EMC 2024 will take place in the Great Lecture Hall (Velika predavalnica) of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ljubljana

Address: Korytkova 2, 1000 Ljubljana.

Access: The venue is within walking distance of the city centre, but is also well connected to Ljubljana’s public transport system – Ljubljanski potniški promet (LPP)

Bus stop: Klinični center (University Medical Centre)

Bus numbers: 2, 9, 11, 20, and 25


Abstract submission is now open and available via the button below. Submissions close on the 15th of June for oral presentations and 30th June for posters.

Click here to submit (now open!)

The EMC early careers research association is pleased to announce three travel awards for early career researchers to attend the 51st EMC in Ljubljana.

The purpose of the travel award is to support PhD students and Post-Docs (less than 10 years) with their travelling expenses.

For more information please go to Applications close on the 24th of May 2024.


Looking to book recommended accommodation at special rates for Conference delegates?

Booking links and/or instructions on how to book are published on the dedicated Accommodations page.

Go to the Accommodation page


Topics and link to the registration form

The topics of the conference will be the following (but not limited to):

  • Muscle structure and cytoskeleton
  • Muscle mechanics and contractility
  • Motor proteins
  • E-C coupling, calcium homeostasis, and ion transport
  • Mitochondrial physiology and pathophysiology
  • Regulation of metabolic processes in health and disease
  • Neuromuscular interactions
  • Muscle and cardiac diseases

Register here


  Regular fee with discount (before and on 30 June) Regular fee (from 1 July to 21 September, 2024) On site fee (between 22 and 26 September, 2024) Conference dinner
Student fee 350 450 500 80
Delegate fee 550 645 695 80
Daily pass 165/day 165/day 175/day 80

All prices are in Euros (€) and include the VAT (charged at 22 %).