Frank W. Heimig
Dr. med. Frank W. Heimig served as a clinical fellow in radiology and radiotherapy at Klinikum Saarbrücken, where he later became the head of medical controlling. Dr. Heimig served as the speaker of the DRG-Benchmarking Group, which was part of the “Economic Think Trust” of 13 leading hospitals in Germany. Dr. Heimig was also the general director of “IMC, Institut für medizinisch-ökonomisches Consulting,” the largest German consultancy group for hospital financing, and as the CEO of the same organization was responsible for introducing G-DRGs in more than 900 German hospitals. He was a member of the “Group of Experts for Hospital-Financing” for the “German Ministry of Health.” Currently he is the CEO of the German DRG-Institute, InEK H, and is responsible for the “algorithmic distribution” of a budget of 85 billion Euros financing all 2000 German hospitals. Dr. Heimig also represents Germany in the “International Group of Perspective Payment Issues” established for the EU.